5 reasons why wet weather makes your carpets in need of a deep clean

It’s fair to say summer has got off to a very damp start in the UK –some places recorded over twice the average July rainfall in the first twoweeks of the month alone, compared to whole month averages.

It's fair to say summer has got off to a very damp start in the UK - some places recorded over twice the average July rainfall in the first two weeks of the month alone, compared to whole month averages.

Although there have been some sunny days here and there, sadly it's mostly been disappointingly damp. Worst still, rain is predicted to be a common occurrence throughout the rest of the summer.

Unfortunately, as well as affecting everyone's plans for picnics and days out, the weather also means your carpets are in for a rougher time than expected over the summer.

With that in mind, here are five reasons why rainy weather means your carpets will be in greater need of a professional deep clean:

1. Increased mud and dirt

Wet weather invariably leads to more mud and dirt being trampled into your home; every time you step inside from the soggy outdoors, you bring in not just water, but also dirt and debris stuck to your shoes.

Over time, this grime gets ground into your carpet fibres, causing them to wear down and lose their vibrancy.

A Zerorez deep clean using our innovative eco-friendly Zr Water technology can effectively lift and remove these embedded particles, restoring the look and extending the lifespan of your carpets.

2. Rise in bacteria and allergens

Rainy weather can significantly increase the amount of bacteria and allergens present in your home. Damp environments are breeding grounds for various microorganisms, which can get tracked into your home and become embedded in your carpets.

This is especially concerning for those with respiratory issues or allergies, as these pollutants can exacerbate symptoms.

Zr Water, our powerful yet incredibly gentle cleaning solution, can penetrate deep into the carpet fibres, helping to eliminate these hazards and leave your home healthier and safer.

3. Pet problems

Pet owners will be all too familiar with the additional cleanliness challenges that wet weather brings.

Muddy paws and damp fur are almost guaranteed when your furry friends come back from a walk. This not only leads to visibly dirty carpets but can also create unpleasant odours that linger in your home.

Our proprietary cleaning technology is designed to tackle these issues head-on, effectively breaking down the dirt, stains, and eliminating smells without the use of any harsh chemicals whatsoever. This ensures a clean and fresh environment for both you and your pets.

4. Mould and mildew growth

Constant dampness can lead to mould and mildew growth, especially in carpets that remain wet for extended periods.

Similar to the allergens we've already mentioned, mould spores can cause serious health issues, including allergic reactions and respiratory problems.

Our cleaning process includes cutting-edge water control technology that minimises moisture left behind in your carpets, significantly reducing the risk of mould developing - and ensuring they dry ultra fast.

5. Staining and discolouration

Whether it's muddy footprints or extra grime from increased indoor traffic, the wet weather increases the likelihood of stains and discoloration on your carpets.

Zerorez's industry-leading technology, operated by our expert clean technicians, are highly effective at lifting stubborn stains and restoring the original colour of your carpets.

Our advanced cleaning methods ensure that your carpets look as good as new, even after the wettest of summers.

Ready to book your clean?

Once you experience the Zerorez difference, you will wonder how your home ever coped without it. So if you're ready to give your home the clean it truly deserves, please get in touch with our friendly team today.

You can phone us on 01923 605 020, or see prices and schedule your clean online. Use the code LOVEZEROREZ15 to get 15% off your booking.

We look forward to hearing from you!